How to Create a Minimalist Coming Soon Page in Photoshop

Having a Coming Soon page on your newly acquired domain will help your users that you are working on the background of the site. Since you wanted to make an impression for your users, your coming soon page should be designed well. Today we will create a coming soon page


How to Create a Loading Bar UI in Photoshop

Loading bar is one of essential part of a software, it guides the user when transferring files by showing how much progress it makes. Good example is a Windows OS, whenever you copy a file it automatically displays the loading window showing you how fast the file copies. But wouldn’t

How to Create a 3D Search Bar in HTML / CSS - Sanjay Khemlani

How to Create a 3D Search Bar in HTML / CSS

Search bar are one of the essential component of a website, if you have thousands among thousands of post, you really need to put a search bar on your homepage or sidebar. And if your search bar is a little boring, users tend to look somewhere else, so you need

How to Create Accordion Design in Photoshop - Sanjay Khemlani

How to Create Accordion Design in Photoshop

Accordion has been popularly used on navigation, because you can store a lot of links and it only consumes so little space. I think that is one of the strength of accordion,  and others are beginning to use as content sliders just like slidedeck. Today we will learn how to

How to Create Slider Tooltip in Photoshop

Sliders are being used on website as part of UI’s, they send the message to the user telling them to wait or their program is already running. To make it more entertaining some designers creates colorful slider bar, while others make it more interactive to the user. Today we will

How to Create Your Own UI Planner in Photoshop

I’ve been experimenting with the planner app I found on Google, after a couple of minutes I had a “what if” moment. Then I open my good ‘ole pal Photoshop and started throwing some pixels, minutes later I am done with the design. Today I will show you how to

How to Create a Sleek Navigation Bar in Photoshop

Designing a Navigation Bar is one of the key success of any website, the visually appealing and interactive it is the better. Today we will create a Sleek Navigation Bar in Photoshop. I will show you how easy it is to create a navigation bar using Photoshop. Navigation Bar is